Create the Right Risk Management Team

Create the Right Risk Management Team

Risk Management Team

“Anticipating adverse events is a qualitatively different task than responding to adverse impacts,” says VP Analyst, Gartner. “Many organizations use the same individuals in both scenarios, but not all team members are best suited for both situations”. Companies need to form TIGER teams, not just SWAT teams.

Steps on Planning and responding to adverse events.

– Educate
– Prioritize
– Plan
– Document
– Implement
– Evaluate

In creating a risk management team, each unit has a different function in the planning and responding to crises; each member requires a unique skill set.

5 Cognitive Dimensions Assessment

  1. Problem-solving: Better vs. Different
  2. Perspective: Part vs. Whole
  3. Tolerance for ambiguity: High and Low
  4. Focus: People vs. Task
  5. Internal vs. External

We are LEADS Resources, a training and consulting provider in the area of Leadership; Management, Human resources, and Business processes; Supply Chain. Check out our website for more information on Strategic Planning at

Original Article: GARTNER

Prepare Your Supply Chain For Coronavirus

Prepare Your Supply Chain For Coronavirus

Supply Chain

The scale of this current virus crisis is ever-increasing and constantly evolving. We may not have yet reached its peak detrimental impact given the enormity of its possible negative effects in several facets of our modern society. There will definitely be a string of disruptions in every business’ operations, of which the hardest hit would be its supply chain.

The best response, therefore, is to be ready before such a crisis hits – whether it be the same in a heavier degree or a totally new one. Options become more limited when a disruption arising from a crisis is in full swing. There are measures that can be taken now even if one’s business is not fully prepared.

Thus, you should gain lessons about how you can better prepare your company to deal with future large-scale crises.

We are LEADS Resources, a training and consulting provider in the area of Leadership & Management of Human Resources, Business Processes & Supply Chains. Check out our website for more information on Supply Chain Management at


6 Ways Supply Management will Change

6 Ways Supply Management will Change

The breakneck speed with how we ended in a lockdown due to the Coronavirus outbreak reveals where most supply chain plans are left vulnerable. The work to re-evaluate readiness plans can be summarized in 6 areas according to Sara Cotgreave, Director at Globaltraid.

1. More investment in enterprise resource planning ushering the return to more decentralized stores and stock keeping.
2. Re-evaluation of the strategic value of roles done remotely and critical on site
3. Emergency planning and risk assessments
4. Adding a list of critical supplier contacts to emergency plans
5. Enhance network or leased line capability to secure bandwidth for emergencies, and
6. Contracts to include a schedule that covers emergency operations and call trees

We are LEADS Resources, a training and consulting provider in the area of Leadership Management, Human resources, and Business Process Supply Chain. Check out our website for more information on Supply Chain Management at

Original Article:

At the Heart of a Crisis: How Can Consumer-Health Companies Lead in Time of Coronavirus Outbreak

At the Heart of a Crisis: How Can Consumer-Health Companies Lead in Time of Coronavirus Outbreak

Consumer-Health Companies

Consumer behavior continues to shift as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. With this, consumer health companies must consider the stakeholders needs and interests. Three broad phases of consumer behavior are escalation, accumulation, and early recovery.

Consumer-health companies should consider three-part organizational response to COVID:

1. Protect people and the business
2. Adjust the front-end operations models
3. Build scenarios to enact further changes

Points on how consumer-health companies can support the stakeholders:

1. Consumers

– Educate Consumers
– Get products to people in new ways
– Play visible, purpose driven role

2. Customers

– Enable flexible product flows
– Bolster the online presence
– Become a trusted, transparent adviser

3. Employees

– Increase communication
– Change working norms
– Protect peoples health

We are LEADS Resources, a training and consulting provider in the area of Leadership Management, Human Resource, and Business Process Supply Chain. Check out our website for more information on our training about Business reset: How to start rebuilding your business resiliency for long recovery from COVID19 at

Original Article:

Your First 100 days as CPO

Your First 100 days as CPO

Crisis exposes the weaknesses in an organization’s value chain. The procurement organizations play a vital role in mitigating the risks and disruptions. As the leader of the function, it is the CPO who defines the strategy and culture of the procurement organization.

CPO Considerations and Decisions in their First 100 days:

1. Know your starting point NEW CPO Approach

a. Procurement Strategic focus which needs to be aligned with the company’s
overall business goals.
b. Maturity of function either taking the helm of a sophisticated organization or rebooting a struggling function.

2. Understand the Environment by taking specific actions to understand the basic value drivers and overall maturity of the organization.

a. For cost-focused procurement functions, it can take a considerable amount of time and effort gathering information on key product and service categories.
b. For value-focused procurement functions, the CPO’s task is to find openings to support future value creation.

3. Engage stakeholders whether online or offline, both inside the organization and beyond it. Relationship building starts on day one until the 100-day plan.

4. Create Impact

The opportunities for rapid value creation are highly dependent on the organization’s starting point.

a. Cost-focused procurement functions with a higher level of maturity can often achieve rapid results through the application of smart digital tools, such as modern spend-analytics systems.
b. For value beyond cost, quick wins can be more elusive. The first priority in this situation is typically to engage the procurement function in a more strategic way with the wider business.
c. For the most mature procurement organizations, the pursuit of new value- creation opportunities may require innovative thinking.

5. Personal Development Driver.

6. Build your 100-day plan.

The NLPA is the only place where you can access the globally recognized SPSM ® , SPSM2 ® and SPSM3 TM Certifications. These certifications provide powerful insight to improve procurement skills and the performance of any procurement team.

5 Themes That Can Help Procurement Shape The Next Normal

5 Themes That Can Help Procurement Shape The Next Normal

Business consultants Leads Resources

5 Themes That Can Help Procurement Shape The Next Normal
Procurement leader’s priority: Re-imagination

1. Re-calibrate cost-saving targets by zero-based category and value-creation strategies

To achieve the earnings improvements many organizations are looking for, procurement leaders will want to examine new ways to create value. Applying zero-basing to spend categories can reveal previously hidden resources which can prove critical in responding to significant changes in demand-supply dynamics.

2. Unlock new opportunities by investing in supplier partnerships and joint innovations

By establishing joint ventures with suppliers offering leading-edge technologies, the company managed not only to reduce parts costs but also to bolster supply-chain stability while extending new technologies into its product-development arsenal.

3. Accelerate value capture, leveraging digitization and spend analytics

As organizations re-imagine for the next normal, procurement functions can use this time to create a digital roadmap laying out the route to a procurement function of the future. Beginning with an assessment of the digital and analytics capabilities required along the end-to-end source-to-pay process, procurement leaders can identify the points most requiring enhancement and then prioritize the most relevant use cases.

4. Enable remote-working models by transforming them into a future-ready operating model

Procurement organizations that can reimagine their operating model across six
enablers process, digital, data, organization, governance, capabilities, and culture will be best equipped to realize improved employee morale and productivity in the post-pandemic environment.

5. Help employees with new working models by reinvigorating both the core and new capabilities

To help address these concerns, procurement organizations will want to define the best-practice processes and the capabilities needed for their execution both within and outside the procurement team. Procurement functions can start a capability-building journey by the bench-marking organization and individual capabilities, defining the gaps in core and new skills, and adopting a structured approach to capability development that addresses key skill gaps.