Business Transformation Resources

4 Disciplines of Execution

4 Disciplines of Execution

Have you ever gotten into the rut of your daily grind and have lost sight of the WILDLY IMPORTANT GOALS (WIGs)? As managers and stewards for the organization we “keep”, we oftentimes get so immersed into the mire of our daily chore and tend to divert our focus from the very objective the organization we serve aim to achieve.

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Prepare Your Supply Chain For Coronavirus

Prepare Your Supply Chain For Coronavirus

There will definitely be a string of disruptions in every business’ operations, of which the hardest hit would be its supply chain. The best response, therefore, is to be ready before such a crisis hits – whether it be the same in a heavier degree or a totally new one.

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6 Ways Supply Management will Change

6 Ways Supply Management will Change

The breakneck speed on how we ended in a lockdown due to the Coronavirus outbreak reveals where most supply chain plans are left vulnerable. The work to re-evaluate readiness plans can be summarized in 6 areas.

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Your First 100 days as CPO

Your First 100 days as CPO

Crisis exposes the weaknesses in an organization’s value chain. The procurement organizations play a vital role in mitigating the risks and disruptions. As the leader of the function, it is the CPO who defines the strategy and culture of the procurement organization.

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5 Themes That Can Help Procurement Shape The Next Normal

5 Themes That Can Help Procurement Shape The Next Normal

To achieve the earnings improvements many organizations are looking for, procurement leaders will want to examine new ways to create value. Applying zero-basing to spend categories can reveal previously hidden resources which can prove critical in responding to significant changes in demand-supply dynamics.

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