Risk Management Team

“Anticipating adverse events is a qualitatively different task than responding to adverse impacts,” says VP Analyst, Gartner. “Many organizations use the same individuals in both scenarios, but not all team members are best suited for both situations”. Companies need to form TIGER teams, not just SWAT teams.

Steps on Planning and responding to adverse events.

– Educate
– Prioritize
– Plan
– Document
– Implement
– Evaluate

In creating a risk management team, each unit has a different function in the planning and responding to crises; each member requires a unique skill set.

5 Cognitive Dimensions Assessment

  1. Problem-solving: Better vs. Different
  2. Perspective: Part vs. Whole
  3. Tolerance for ambiguity: High and Low
  4. Focus: People vs. Task
  5. Internal vs. External

We are LEADS Resources, a training and consulting provider in the area of Leadership; Management, Human resources, and Business processes; Supply Chain. Check out our website for more information on Strategic Planning at https://leadsresources.com/.

Original Article: GARTNER